
It is what it is, but mostly it's The Bitter. Old. Man's. Blog.

Camino Santiago Day 9-10: Recovery Days 1-2, Porto Portugal, 6-7 Sept 2023

I’m in the midst of recovery, and it can be really tough(!) 😄 so blog volume is down, and I’m making this entry good for 2 days. Day 1 was get up too early, Don vs. time zones, no sleep in allowed, but everything is fine, we had hired a driver to get us from hotel to hotel and he was absolutely superb. Rest of day 1 was resting at new very nice hotel and getting used to the amenities.

Hotel Pool

Day 2, we touristed around a little bit. So much to see! Inside lobby of train station is covered with tile work. Fancy church is very old and impressive. Trendy neighborhood “Riberia” is like NW 23rd (for you Portland people) but bloated on steroids and exploded in size, quality, and quantity beyond belief. Very fancy! We met up with an old college friend of Don’s and his spouse at their way cool home for a fun glimpse into part of the American Expat Community.

Random pictures of Porto are below.

Fridge Magnets
Street scene
In train station
More train station, amazing
Train station
Church Cloisters, influencers, and insta-gram husbands. Everything in that sentence except “Church Cloisters” are pretty much everywhere.
Relief of Jesus and John the Baptist. Very nice.
More tile work
Tourists and skyline
Street scene. This is a car-friendly thoroughfare not a pedestrian zone
Tile work for home siding, Riberia neighborhood
River front windows and balconies, Riberia neighborhood
River views and more insta-gram people 😀
This light fixture is made of perfume bottles, the hotel was built on the site of a long-lived perfume factory. Factory Chimney is preserved, as seen on the right

This is a great place for recovery, so much to see and do!! And a nice pool.

One comment on “Camino Santiago Day 9-10: Recovery Days 1-2, Porto Portugal, 6-7 Sept 2023

    8-September- 2023

    Wowza, what an amazing city and even cooler neighborhood❣️ Please recon the cost of apartments for rent, cuz I want to move there‼️ 😁 Enjoy it fully my friend‼️

    Also, great job on all your photos, you captured the charm of the city perfectly❣️

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This entry was posted on 8-September- 2023 by in Uncategorized.